Browse Items (3963 total)
Dear Mr. President,<BR>I'm a senior citizen and a World War II veteran and I voted for you both times, I think you're doing a wonderful job. I pray for you everyday.<BR>God bless you and God bless America.<BR>Joseph…
Dear Laura and George,<BR>Please excuse my informality, but your lack of professionalism in your career entitles me as a businesswoman to consider myself a contemporarary.<BR>Please just leave. Go back to Texas, where the politics are…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>How are you doing? Are you still helping the people who have got hurt in the hurricane? I hope you are doing everything you can to help them. You are doing great controlling our state (Tennessee). You have changed…
Dear Asshole,<BR>You left people in New Orleans too long. Please resign office! You need to live in New Orleans.<BR>Margorie Baker<BR>Memphis
Dear George and Laura Bush,<BR>What are those twins up to? You keep them so hidden.<BR>Lord help us,<BR>Millett Vance<BR>Memphis
Dear President,<BR>Bring the boys home from Iraq. And support the unions of the nation because I work for Northwest Airlines and it's providing me a good living - if the unions die out it's going to be rich and poor. And the middle class is the…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>You should stop telling the evacuees to keep moving one place to the other, just stay in one place. Those water and ice trucks keep getting re-routed, so they should just stay in one place so people know where to get it,…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>Continue to have God in your life and the country will be just fine. God Bless you<BR>Xzalhia Couch<BR>Memphis
Dear Mr. President,<BR>I'm from New Orleans. I majored in history in college. In my opinion your administration's abject failure to respond to our city will show that you were the worst President in U.S. history to deal with a national…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>I voted for you twice, but I feel we can start pulling our troops into the background so they can be more support. If these people really want freedom they should be willing to fight for that freedom. Our troops should be…
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