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  • Tags: Admiration
Dear next President,<BR>You are such a good president.<BR>From,<BR>Noah, age 6
Dear President Obama,<BR>I wanted to reach out and thank you for what you've done for this country.<BR>You received a lot of hatred from this country where it is not due.<BR>In my mind you have been one of the greatest presidents to…
Dear President Obama,<BR>Your ability to reflect at the deepest levels and keep cool brought us Pablo Casal's Tree of Life.<BR>Thank you for the new museum beside the Washington Monument.<BR>Rock on!<BR>Roberta Armstrong
Dear Madame President,<BR>It's wonderful that you broke the glass ceiling.<BR>Best wishes,<BR>Kay Oring

Dear soon-to-be-President Donald Trump,<BR>I am very happy you won the election. Thank you for running for President and not giving up. You are a strong leader with lots of courage and not afraid to stand up for what you believe in.You are the…
Dear future President,<BR>Even though your campain wasn't the cleanest I would like to tell you that even though I can't vote I would have voted for you. I will be proud to have my kids learn about all of your necessary acomploshments thanks to…
Dear President Obama,<BR>I want to thank you for serving our country over the last 8 years. There have been many difficulties with you administragtion has faced ,many goals and dreams which you have undertaken. And the country has been made a…
Dear Future President,<BR>I hope you can restore respect in democracyand that we can do a better jobof getting to know ourselves and all our diversity.<BR>I'm so proud to have a woman president.<BR>I wish you the…
Dear President Clinton,<BR>I wish you well in your first days. I am excited for a generation who have grown up knowing that a woman can be in the White House. I offer you the support and courage to face the challenges of your position. with…
27 April 2016<BR>Dear Hillary Clinton,<BR>I believe in you and want you to break that ceiling hard and true. And I am hopeful for my families future with you as president.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Robert Adler
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