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  • Tags: Arts
Dear President Obama and first Lady Michelle,<br>Participation in the arts is fundamental to world peace. It transcends diffrerence and unifies. It nurtures compassiona and heals. I would like to see the defense budget shifted to art education…
Dear rockin-Mr. President,<br>The letters to the editor at our local newspaper in my very conservative town sometimes disparage you. But hang in there. I think you're doing a great job in a difficult time. Please support history and art…
Dear Mr. President,<br>It hurts my heart to hear that America's leaders communicate to the public that art and artists are not a valuable and contributing aspect of our culture. Please look deeply into your own upbringing and the education of…
Dear Mr. President,<br>I am very proud to have you as my president. As your supporter, I would like you to take a more active role in changing our economy, lowering the gas prices, and supporting the arts in America.<br>Kind…
Dear Mr. President<br>I am so proud to have a thinking, confident world leader at the helm of the United States. As you grow in your presidency, I look forward to the growth of your commitment to the arts in America. Your children, just like…
Dear Mr. President,<br>I hope you're doing well. Support the arts more. Tell everyone I said hi. Have a great day.<br>Diane<br>Asheville, NC
Dear Mr. President,<br>My name is Penny Ross and I live in Chandler, Arizona. Arizona has eliminated all of the funding for the arts. And since there was only less than 5% of funding to start out with the artist is disproportionately affected…
Dear Mr. President,<br>If there was no art in schools, I woudn't have made it past Kindergarten. Please support arts integration across the curriculum in K through 12. This country was founded on creativity and innovation and we're losing…

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Dear Mr. President,<br>I want to love you so much. I really thought that you would be congisant of how important culture is. It was rumored that you actually had a platform about the arts, the only candidate who did. But we fall further and…
Dear Mr. President, I think you're awesome! And I know you have been busy, but we would really like you to start working on supporting the arts and arts education ASAP. It's just as important as everything else you're…
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