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  • Tags: Election
Dear President,<BR>I am fearful no matter who holds office that our nation will be divided because of the many opposing perspectives and opinions of both the Republican and Democratic parties. Whoever you are, please keep this nation's safety…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>If you remin in office, please remember this country was founded under Christian men. And I pray that you will follow in their footsteps. I hope that you are a Christian and that you have Jesus as your lord and savior.…
Dear Mr. or Madame President,<BR>As a campaign junkie, I was there from day 1 in Manchester, N.H. I hope over the next four years you do not forget what you said there and that your campaign rhetoric turns into national policy. You received the…

Dear Mrs. Clinton,<BR>You have the opportunity to become the first woman president in American history. This is a great accomplishment in the history of this nation, but if not handled properly and with responsbility, it can have sad, negative…
Dear Mr. President,<br>Thank you for working so hard to be elected. I voted for you. Please do your best. I know you ca creat change that is much-needed in this country.<br>Best wishes,<br>Sincerely,<br>Adrienne…
Dear future President,<BR><BR>For all of our sakes, I really hope you know what you're doing, and I hope that you can step up to the responsibility of your position.<BR><BR>Good luck.<BR><BR>Yours…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>How come I pay taxes yet I'm not allowed to vote?<BR>Thank you.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Alex Elena<BR>New York City<BR>p.s. I've been here for 8 years and I'm from Italy.

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Dear Mr. President,<br>Congratulations and thank you for winning the presidency. I think you will be a good step for America. And I look forward to what you will do. I am also a fine arts photographer and woudl like to photograph the interior…
Dear Hillary,<br>I know you are going to be the democratic candidate. But I'm not to excited about it. You don't inspire me. When I hear about free education and universal healthcare from Bernie, that excites me. I want you to express ideals…
Sehr geehrter Herr Prasident,<br>Jedes jahr, nur die halfte die Amerikaner gehen zum wahl. Bitte geben Sie die moglichkeit mit ihre politik the andere halfte die Amerikaner zum wahl zum bringen.<br>Liebe Grusse,<br>Alfred…


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