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  • Tags: Immigration
Dear Mr. President,<br>My hope is to help my family and for you to be more aggressive to fix the immigration problems and to overturn the new Arizona law.<br>Sincerely,<br>Victor Hernandez
To our new president,<br>Why is it so difficult for talented professionals to obtain a visa?<br>Sincerely,<br>Julie Hiromoto<br>New York City
Dear Mr. President,<BR>I'm from El Salvador. I love your country so much. But I think you need to make many changes in your laws about immigration because I am living here in the Brnx for almost 13 years and the peoplei n the law are giving me…
The Spanish people, we think the next President is good news for immigration, for the schools, for the tax. Because the Spanish people think the economy is not good at this tiie, so the new President brings new ideas for this country. The Spanish…
Dear Obama:<br><br>Thank you for eight years well done. Please keep your eye on the ball and do not loose focus at the end of your term. Watch our borders and protect our people. Don't be afraid to be harsh if you need to. We will support…
Mr. President can you expand equality to immigrants across the world.
Dear Mr. President,<br>Thank you for pushing forward what is called Obamacare --I don't think you get enough credit for that. I really like where you went with the executive order for the DREAM Act --I hope to see it codified into law, so that…
Dear Mr. President:<br>My main concern is that Immigration Reform will be passed. I hope the economy gets better in terms of jobs. And peace is a very important concern for me.<br>Sincerely,<br>Michael Veliz
Dear Mr. President:<br>This is my third time living in the U.S. Every time I live here, I wish certain things were different. First, I believe healthcare should not be such a big part of our income. Also, I wish Immigration Laws were a bit more…
Dear Obama,<br>Thanks for holding me in the immigration line for six hours. Kisses from Brazil.<br>Sincerely,<br>Bruno
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