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  • Tags: Justice
Dear Mrs. Clinton,<BR>My series of concerns:1) The Justice system. With respect to DHS, policies need to be reevaluated. Policies with respect to data that the FBI and the NCIC have access to. There are multiple errors in my file in the system.…
Dear Mr. President,<br>Please close down Guantanamo Bay. Also prison reform to end mass encarceration of people of color is the next civil rights and justice issue.<br>Thank you very much
Dear President,<BR>Our biggest thing, I think, is to focus on the people on the street, the homeless people. And the kids in school and the moms who are single and the dads who are single. That's the biggest thing. Don't worry about the next…

Dear President,<br>Choose the next supreme court justice with care because our individual rights are at stake.<br>Sincerely,<br>Rhonda Imhoff<br>Northbrook, Ill.


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