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  • Tags: Justice
The next President,<BR>Please, stop killing black people.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>A Human<BR>North Carolina
Dear Mr. President,<br>Please close down Guantanamo Bay. Also prison reform to end mass encarceration of people of color is the next civil rights and justice issue.<br>Thank you very much
Dear Mr. President,<br>I think it is a pity that you cannot appoint a new member of the supreme court. I think you should do something about social inequality and bettering education opportunities for all.<br>Emily Ho
Dear Mr. President,<br>I really want you to win the election and I want you to have the same laws that you have this year.<br>Everett Collman<br>Charlotte<br>Sept 3, 2012
Dear current and future President,<br>Your 2nd term may be a mandate so that future Presidents will not will not be handcuffed. Indite those that were responsible for starting an unjust war.<br>.Looking forward to peace and prosperity for…
To whomever it may concern:<br>I think the world population as it grows, and the complexity of life, which gets more difficult for governments to deal with, is going to require new economic, political, and social solutions - if we aren't going…
Dear Mr. President,<br>Don't give up on justice reform. I'm working with you. <br><br>Sincerely,<br>Katy, Chicago
Dear President,<BR>Our biggest thing, I think, is to focus on the people on the street, the homeless people. And the kids in school and the moms who are single and the dads who are single. That's the biggest thing. Don't worry about the next…

Dear President,<br>Why don't you create amnesty for the peole who here andneed it?<br>Sincerely,<br>Linda Christopher<br>New York

Dear Mr. President,<br>As a Mexican-American I want justice because people targeting based on the color of your skin. We need justice. I am a US citizen and I voted for you.<br>Maria A. Diaz
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