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  • Tags: Police brutality
Dear Mr. Wannabe President Trump,<BR>I'm writing you because me and my colleagues want to know what's happening. How will you resolve the Black Lives Matter of young black men in America being killed by police throughtout the country? what will…
Dear Donald Trump,<br>I don't usually like to see negativity in people; I usually look for the good. I don't agree with your opinions,but I don't think you come from a bad place. To see a lot of anger from a lot of things you say, I would hope…
Dear President,<BR>Please consider the seriousness of police brutality in America. We are all created equal. We are all Americans. There are no second-class citizens. Let's bring real change to a biased…
Dear President,<BR>A lot of what has been discuss this election season isthe safety of this country. But safety doesnt just mean physic safety, although it angers me to know that many people in this country can't even expect that. Safety means…
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