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Dear Mr. Presidewnt:<br>Each time you pray, I know sorrow, and passage a shadow out of a deftless mouth. No more to hold torn breath.<br><br>Sincerely Yours,<br>Yves Antony
Dear Mr. President,<BR>I hope that you don't misuse the word freedom.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Yumi Kori<BR>Tokyo
Dear George,<BR>Someone today askedme to define hope, if I were to draw it. I responded by saying, ""that's easy: I would make a drawing of George Bush's grave.""<BR>I said this because I hope to someday live longer than you in a world…

Dear George,&lt;BR&gt;Someone today askedme to define hope, if I were to draw it. I responded by saying, ""that's easy: I would make a drawing of George Bush's grave.""&lt;BR&gt;I said this because I hope to someday live longer than you in a world…
Dear Mr. or Mrs. President,<BR>Always think of the people first and things second. Let's budget for a war like families have to budget for their own things. Instead of actually building missiles, let's just tell the other countries that we have…

Dear Mr. or Mrs. President,<BR><BR>Always think of the people first and things second. Let's budget for a war like families have to budget for their own things. Instead of actually building missiles, let's just tell the other countries…

Dear Mr. President,<br>Thank you very much for saddling me with a 14 plus thousand dollar debt over my lifetime. Thank you very much for lying abut the war that my friend Bryan is in Bagdad fighting. Thank yu very much for leaving us to clean…
Dear Mr. President, <br><br>Thank you for taking a strong stance on a number of important issues near the end of your term. Keep up the good work.<br><br>From a young idealist
Dear Mr. President, &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Thank you for taking a strong stance on a number of important issues near the end of your term. Keep up the good work.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;From a young idealist
Dear Mr. President,<BR>I think you should spend more time creating jobs for my dad and other Americans, rather than wasting money and lives in Iraq.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Yotam Sayer<BR>New York City<BR>Age 12


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