Browse Items (3963 total)
Dear Dubya,<BR>As one of your constituents, I am terribly disappointed in your performance in general. It has nothing to do with the hurricane, just your policies both general and specific. People are dying in Darfur as well as places in our…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>Please ask the citizens if they wouldn't rather spend money on education instead of space exploration. The latter was a matter of national prestige in the 60s. But today, the state of education will certainly result in a…
To President Bush (president?):<BR>If you could do one truly good thing, what would you do? Someday you'll look back on this and weigh your actions and ethics. What will keep you up at night? Confused leaders have often carried out noble acts…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>I rarely watch TV, but the night of the election, I stayed glued to the election returns feeling panicky that you would win. I still have that same panicky feeling.<BR>I see these W signs on cars. I think that they…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>I enjoyed my recent summer visit to the White House. Thank you for the Christian things that you do. I appreciate your stance on conservative issues, however I request a personal matter: a DD256. I have written you…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>When Clinton left office, we had a surplus. And at the end of 2001, we had a 331 billion dollar deficit. What is really going on?<BR>Enraged inMemphis,<BR>Jelani A. Barr
Dear Mr. President,<BR>Appreciate all this immediate assistance and appreciate the spirit of America to donate their time, money and resources to help us get back on our feet. Have a good Thanksgiving and Merry…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>I have to agree with American that after Katrina hit, we are definitely not ready for another disaster.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Melissa Cardwell<BR>Memphis, Tenn.
Dear Douchebag,<BR>otherwise known as the President, I did not support you in the last election. I do not support anything that you have done. And I don't intend to support your party in anyfuture elections. I believe you to be morally…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>I really don't understand a lot of the methods that you use to run this country, but I wish that you would change them. You make it harder for members of the middle-class, such as myself, to achieve higher social and…
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