Browse Items (3963 total)
Dear Mr. Obama,<br>Congratulations on finishing your last term. I wonder what's next for you and I wish you the best.<br>Sincerely,<br>Abubakr Arije
Dear Mr. Obama,<BR>Congra tulations on finishing your last term. I wonder what's next for uou and wish you the best,<BR>SIncerely,<BR>Abubakr Arije
Dear President BUsh,<BR>I was wondering about ordinary people and how they get in touch with you. There are a lot of resources around and time consuming and this is the short way. I was trying to find out information for my son on how to become…
Dear Georgie,<BR>How's it feel to be the most hated man in America? Do us all a favor and contact Dr. Kevorkian.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Someone who knows how to read<BR>Stowe, Vt.<BR>(in Washington, DC)
Dear Mr. President,<BR>I just found out that my best friend has bone marrow cancer, but I'm uneligible to give bone marrow because I'm gay. What am I supposed to say to his family if he dies?<BR>Adam.<BR>Atlanta

Dear President Obama,<BR>I wanted to reach out and thank you for what you've done for this country.<BR>You received a lot of hatred from this country where it is not due.<BR>In my mind you have been one of the greatest presidents to…
Dear Mr. or Madame President,<BR>As a campaign junkie, I was there from day 1 in Manchester, N.H. I hope over the next four years you do not forget what you said there and that your campaign rhetoric turns into national policy. You received the…

Dear President,<BR>I think you've done a good job. I appreciate the way you've handled the threat to out country. I think it's great to have a baseball fan in the White House instead of a golfer. I'll vote for you…
To the President of the United States:<BR><BR>During your term, please keep in mind teachers - especially new ones. It's depressing to see how many young teachers are discouraged from the profession. Supporting education means supporting…

Dear Mr. President,<br>What a fabulous 4 years it's been. Almost a thousand de d soldiers now! and gee, what about all those trees. Oh, and that pesky bill of rights. You're so keen. What more can an upstanding American say. Keep up the g reat…
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