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I wish to say that you are by far the most influential man in this country. No single nonsecular leader has had such power to inspire the masses to use religion so extremely. No rapper has with his words caused so much damage. No other president has…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>I attend the University of Memphis and my name is Jamie Brock. I do not agree with how things are being handled in New Orleans right now. I feel that your movement is not quick enough. And I also feel that you should…
Dear fake-ass President,<BR>Why are the damn gas prices so high? Why did you react so slow to Katrina? I want to know, do you write your own speeches? Come talk to me at the University of Memphis about your future plans. Do you really like…
Dear Mr. President,<br>I would like to see tehre be more housing for poor people. Upon winning the electino, could you look out for the poor people who voted for you by trying to create more affordable housing and jobs? Last but not least: help…
Dear President,<br>My name is Ananias Lockard. I would like to say that in order for the next president, I believe, to make a change in this world he or she should be able to know the wrongs and rights about our nation. And that anything that…
Dear President,<br>My name is Ananias Lockard. I would like to say that in order for the next president, I believe, to make a change in this world he or she should be able to know the wrongs and rights about our nation. And that anything that…
Dear Mr. or Mrs. President,<br>We must end the corporate domination of America! It is killing us!! From the acquiescence to purely profit driven pharmaceutical companies (spoken as a former consultant) to the supplication of big oil. Corporate…
To our new president,<br>Why is it so difficult for talented professionals to obtain a visa?<br>Sincerely,<br>Julie Hiromoto<br>New York City
Dear President,<br>You better be better than the one you are replacing.<br>Sincerely,<br>Linda Langlais<br>Ginette Villeneuve<br>Montreal, Canada
Dearest next president,<br>It is with great hope and passion that I write to you and request that you bring this country to a safer, better level. As a 53-year-old Latin woman, my desire is to see a president fulfill many of the wishes that…
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