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Dear Mr. President,<BR>Continue to have God in your life and the country will be just fine. God Bless you<BR>Xzalhia Couch<BR>Memphis
Dear Senor Presidente,<br>Happy Birthday! I'll drink a shot for you and I'll take another when gas prices go down. And I'll finish the bottle when the troops come home. Rock on!<br>Xochitl Ramirez<br>Chicago
Dear Senor Presidente,&lt;br&gt;Happy Birthday! I'll drink a shot for you and I'll take another when gas prices go down. And I'll finish the bottle when the troops come home. Rock on!&lt;br&gt;Xochitl Ramirez&lt;br&gt;Chicago
Dear Mr. President,<BR>I want you to leave us alone.<BR>from,<BR>Xiomara<BR>age 5<BR>New York City

Dear Mr. President,&lt;BR&gt;I want you to leave us alone.&lt;BR&gt;from,&lt;BR&gt;Xiomara&lt;BR&gt;age 5&lt;BR&gt;New York City
Dear Mr. President,<br>I would like to add more schools, more houses, and stuff to not be that high in prices. I want to add better jobs, I want to add bigger stores, and to lower gas prices. I want more dogs to be misunderstood, like pitbulls,…
Dear Mr. President,&lt;br&gt; As a millitary spouse I feel like you should do everything opposite of everything you have done for the past eight years.
Dear Mr. President,<br> As a millitary spouse I feel like you should do everything opposite of everything you have done for the past eight years.
Dear Donald Trump,<BR>You are a jerk and I hate you.<BR>Love,<BR>Wyatt, age 5<BR>Cary, NC
Dear Mr. Trump,<BR>I am not afraid of many things; snakes, a slow and painful death, and the possibility of you becoming president. I wish you success in everything you do except this election.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>A worried Canadian
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