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Dear Hillary,<BR>The truth will set you free. Yours in black ink., V.

Hillary,<BR>If you could't take care of your husband Bill, what makes you think you can take care of this country. The ring might be on you, but the condom is in Monica.

Dear Hillary Clinton,<BR> I am a mom from China. I hope you will be the new president and the first woman to be president in the US.You are a hero in my eyes and I hope my daughter will be inspired by you. In ten years maybe she will study in…
Dear Mr. Donald Trump,<BR>Welcome to the twenty second century where women are paid equally to men and are completely responsible for all the decisions relating to female reproductive rights. All people no matter their skin color, sexual…
Dear Donald Trump<BR>I dislike all of your decisions i strongly believe you should not have wasted your time running for president. You are a bozo a and a failure.<BR>from Marquis

Dear Mr Trump,<BR>So many of us here in this country are very concerned not only about the loss of our American industries we8re also very very concerned about terror that could well sweep into the country and I believe we really must as you…
Dear Mr. Trump,<BR>I am not afraid of many things; snakes, a slow and painful death, and the possibility of you becoming president. I wish you success in everything you do except this election.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>A worried Canadian
Dear Mr. Trump,<BR>Y ou should work on being more respectful to others. You would get more voters if you would stop insulting everyone. I have the feeling that if you are elected that we will enter into a third world war. Also, I think you…
Dear Donald Trump,<BR>I don't think you are a bad guy, I don't think you have bad intentions, I just don't know if you are voicing them clearly. You should remember that people are watching you, if you become president. That is a heavy…
Dear Mr. Trump,<BR>Your toupee look like a croissant.<BR>-anonymous
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