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To the next President,<br>Please take out troops out of Iraq. No matter how your predecessor spins it - it has been wrong at all levels. All the best. God bless America.<br>Sincerely,<Br>Max Ma<br>New York CIty
Dear Obama,<br>It's time to make the world like America again. Resolve issues through talk rather than confrontation and bullying.<br>Kind regards,<br>Nick Olivari<br>Brooklyn
Dear President,<br>Good luck to you - you're going to need it. I hope you read this and understand that there are a lot of people who do believe it works, who do try to make it work, and really want you to succeed. But history has shown us that…
To the next president,<br>Hopefully you do better than what we presently have. I'm tired of this country taking care of the rest of the world and not taking care of hte people in this country.<br>Sincerely,<br>Norman…
Dear Mr. or Mrs. President,<br>The race to the White House has been pretty dirty with both sides insinuating that the other will be weaker on foreign policy and matters of national security. In future I think it would be better to focus on…
Dear Hillary Clinton,<br>I was here while your husband was president and he did a very good job with this country. Everybody had money, everybody had a job. I don't want to take a chance on Obama, I want somebody I know. We've got war, and…
Dear President,<br>Today's colleges and schools of higher education are playing the roles of pimps - pimps pushing eductation. And they also come in the form of loan shark bookies and instead of breaking my ankles and arms, they're breaking my…
Dear Mr. or mrs. President,<br>Please show the leadership to make a few very powerful people very, very angry, and lot of not so powerful people very, very happy.<br>Sincerely,<br>Tom Hals<br>New Jersey
Dear President,<br>I'd like to express my wish as a lifelong music teacher and performer to consider a concerted effort to support music education for children and adults and support for public performance opportunities for audiences to hear…
Dear President,<br>I grew up in Queens and I really feel that the education system is lacking many things. Nobody talks about it but everybody's thinking it. I hope you do something about it.<br>Sincerely,<br>Carol<br>Queens,…
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