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Dear Mr. Trump,<BR>I am not afraid of many things; snakes, a slow and painful death, and the possibility of you becoming president. I wish you success in everything you do except this election.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>A worried Canadian
Dear Mr. President,<BR>I hope that you manage to stay alive.<BR>Woody Johnson<BR>Oakland
Dear Mr. President,<br>You ran as a compassionate conservative. Mr. President, there's nothing compassionate about the way you are treading residents of the District of Columbia. We deserve avote.<br>Sincerely,<br>Winnie R.…
Dear President,&lt;BR&gt;It's ok not to have all the answers. With our shrinking role in a global society, you can be an example of listening to many voices, in an increasingly interdependent global…
Dear President,<BR>It's ok not to have all the answers. With our shrinking role in a global society, you can be an example of listening to many voices, in an increasingly interdependent global…
Dear President,<BR>I think that your intentions have been good, but the way that you've gone about making things better has made it worse. I'm not planning on voting for you because of the fact that millions have fled due to your radical…
Dear Mr. President,<br>I am very proud to have an African American man in the White House who is exactly the same age as I am, with daughters as I do. you are a role model not only to myself but to my family. Good luck in the November election.…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>I am a very unpleased citizen of the state of Georgia, who has been unemployed since April 2004. I worked on my job for 10 years and found out at the end of 2003 that I would no longer have a job as of April 2004. You…
Dear Mr. President,<br>Stay positive. Stay encouraged and all will be fine.<br>Williams Foxworth<br>Charlotte, NC<br>Sept 2012
Dear Mr. President,<BR>I would like to ask you 2 questions. My first question is, I would like to see good quality education for the working poor and lower cost of living for the average working American.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>William…


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