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Dear Mr. Trump,<BR>If you do not win in this election, will you consider running again in the future.? Will you consider running for another type of go vernment position, such as overnor, senator, representative,…
Dear President Trump,<BR>Even though I am alibertarian on the streets of New York City, I support DOnald Trump. My preference for whole milk is an example of why that is.
Dear Mr. Trump,<BR>Please stop the B.S. and tell us the truth.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Janet Bernard

Mr. Trump, stop the nonsense n focus on the real issue. Our economy, equal rights if you want me to vote for you.
Dearest Don and Hillary,<BR>DIE! Please send my best to your lovely families.<BR>Mo

Dear Mr. Sanders<BR>Love the lord your god with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love you neighbor and yourself. Dont forget your Jewish roots. Don't forget that love never fails.,from Ben
Dear Bernie Sanders,<BR>I hope you are our next president, but despite the outcome, your campaign has inspired so many Americans and citizens of the world. Now that we know there is a candidate like you, who is honest and forthright, we won,t…
Dear Mr. Sanders,<BR>You are a beautiful dream. Please inspire others to follow in your footsteps and carry your vision and work.<BR>Godspeed,<BR>Shama-e Zaheer
Dear Mr. Sanders,<BR> a communist, please dont ruin this country. we,ve worked hard enough to have you just throw it away. This is turning back to when the Soviet Union attacked everyone. I ;learned about that in my public education.…
Dear Bernie,<BR>I am an international student at an American college. I wish to say that I want to get a job in the US withan extended student visa.<BR>Sincerkly,<BR>Dingling Zhong
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