Browse Items (3963 total)
Dear Congress,<br>Millions of people across the United States go to work everyday with people they don't like, if we can do it, you can too.<br>Sincerely,<br>Adrienne Buccella

Dear Congress,<BR>Millions of people across the United go to work everyday and work with people they don't like, if we can do it, you can too.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Adrienne Buccella

Dear Mr. President,<br>Thank you for working so hard to be elected. I voted for you. Please do your best. I know you ca creat change that is much-needed in this country.<br>Best wishes,<br>Sincerely,<br>Adrienne…
Dear Barack:&lt;BR&gt;How are you? Have you not heard from you in awhile. Hope you are enjoying your last term in office. How are Michelle and the girls? I know these past few years have been stressful, but hang in there you are almost done. After…
Dear Barack:<br>How are you? Have not heard from you in a while. Hope you are enjoying your last term in office. How are Michelle and the girls? I know these past few years have been stressful, but hang in there you are almost done. After you…
Dear Barack:<BR>How are you? Have you not heard from you in awhile. Hope you are enjoying your last term in office. How are Michelle and the girls? I know these past few years have been stressful, but hang in there you are almost done. After…
Dear Barack:&lt;br&gt;How are you? Have not heard from you in a while. Hope you are enjoying your last term in office. How are Michelle and the girls? I know these past few years have been stressful, but hang in there you are almost done. After you…
Dear President of the United States,&lt;BR&gt;You are inheriting a mess. I hope you will be up to the challenge. In these uncommon times, we need an uncommon leader. Someone who will rise above the fray and take our country to a new place in the…
Dear President of the United States,<BR>You are inheriting a mess. I hope you will be up to the challenge. In these uncommon times, we need an uncommon leader. Someone who will rise above the fray and take our country to a new place in the…

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Dear Mr. President,<br>I am very grateful that you are at the helm of your country. Peace and love.<br><br>Sincerely<br>Adrienne


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