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  • Tags: Change
Dear President,<BR>It's ok not to have all the answers. With our shrinking role in a global society, you can be an example of listening to many voices, in an increasingly interdependent global…
Dear Bernie,<BR>You are a beautiful new hope. I believe in a positive future, I believe in the people, and I believe in you. It is hard to have faith in politics, as a young woman I was not raised with hope. I choose to believe in our future.…
Dear Hillary Clinton,<BR>I am a Bernie Sanders supporter but I want you to know that, that does not mean that I don't support you.<BR>I find it disheartening when I here the bernie fans bashing you and saying that if Bernie does not get…
Dear soon-to-be-president Clinton,<BR>I am an ardent Bernie supporter who will be voting and canvassing in the general election.<BR>I'm excited for your presidency but i want to say that maintaining Obama's legacy is not enough. We need…
Dear soon-to-be-president Clinton,<BR>I am an ardent Bernie supporter who will be voting and canvassing in the general election.<BR>I'm excited for your presidency but i want to say that maintaining Obama's legacy is not enough. We need…
Dear President,<BR>Please consider the seriousness of police brutality in America. We are all created equal. We are all Americans. There are no second-class citizens. Let's bring real change to a biased…
Dear Mr. Trump,<br>I am a hispanic woman born and raised in spanish Harlem. Basica i am going to vote for you. I th think America is rea y for a c change. We need to break away from politics. We need more freedom. That,s what America was…
Dear future President,<BR>After the Bush administration, I think you have a lot to clean up. A lot of people have worked hard to get you the position that you now hold. I hope you don't forget about all those who made all the phone calls and…
Dear future leader of the United States,<BR>Your title says it all. Lead us into a time of great change, where you include us just like we included you into the position you hold. Remember the minorities, the women, the gays, the veterans, and…

Dear future President,<BR>I'm not going to lie, I'm a little bit terrified for the country. We've grown really accoustomed to the current president, and change is always a scary thing. So I hope you don't do anything too detrimental that will…
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