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  • Tags: Social Security
Dear President,<BR>I'm an ex-federal employee and Social Security recipient and I have a big problem with the double-dipping law enacted by President Carter. We have been promised since then that they will rescind the law but to this day there…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>Do you agree with Niche Gelinas' comments today having to do with the money that NYC deserves for its homeland security, which could be gotten and which is deserved.<BR>If you do agree, can you please help us to get…
Dear President,<BR>I hope you get the Social Security Administration organized for me and future generations. And as part of Social Security, have the government pay for Medicare after one retires. I wishyou well and I hope you bring the…
Mr. President,<BR>Leave Social Security alone. Leave civil liberties alone. Leave our basic freedoms alone. Be more honest with us, with America. And remember, you work for us, not the other way around.<BR>Thank you.<BR>Mark…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>Please remember that the majority of people who live in the United States are poor. Please remember that the majority of people do not have access to private funds for Social Security.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Marie…
Dear President,<BR>How will you make sure that my retirement is as good as my parents'?<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Leah Milne-Wright<BR>Pitzer College
Dear Mr. President,<BR>I think you're doing a good job except for the war and the anti-gay marriage policy and the Social Security plan and the poor election monitoring. Thank God you're leaving in three…
Hello Mr. President from the Navajo Nation,<BR>I'm a vietnam vet and I'm fighting for my Social Security benefits and service injury benefits. I'm running into red tape. Why doesn't the government us veterans' situation. I'm legally blind and…
Dear President,<BR>Please don't touch Social Security. I know it's unrealistic, but I know you can find other ways to raise whatever monies you may need. Please do not raise my taxes. I know that this is very cliched, but I am a single working…
To the future President,<BR>My name is Ella Z. Bekker. I've been here in this country for 30 years. I'm full of gratitude for the blessings that this country shared with me. I was happy to bring to this country my skills as a teacher and…
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