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  • Tags: Oil/natural resources/gas
Dear Mr. President,<BR>My 21-year-old nephew is a Force Recon Marine in Falugia. If he is killed in order that you may make more money with your oil interests, I will be even more horrified and angry with what you have brought to our country.…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>I speak as a Vietnam -era veteran. My question is, why have you sacrificed so many young, innocent and beautiful young mens' lives in Iraq in the interest of oil profiteers and the military complex? You claim that you in…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>How ya doin? Are you OK? Don't forget us at Project Hospitality. Will you please give me some money? You better lower taxes and gas prices.<BR>How much money do we have to pay for the Statue of Liberty? The…
Dear President,<BR>I hope by the time you're president you will make every-thing well for the next four years or eight years. I hope that taxeswill soon go down, that gas prices will go down and I hope you have a consideration of stopping…
Dear Dubya,<BR>Please stop the war. Please think about the future in the long, long run. The tress in Alaska will be much more importatn to us than the oil you might drill. We have to have an earth to live in. So try to find it within yourself…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>It's a very sad day today because the Senate approved Arctic drilling of oil. This is something your administration has pushed long and hard for. It is the last pristine part of the United States and you are going to…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>Thank you for beating Iraq so far, but why did you raise the taxes? Is it because the oil was too high?<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Matthew Perez<BR>Tampa, Fla.<BR>age 9
Dear Mr. President,<BR>Please stop raising gas prices, because I'm poor.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Melvin Bussy<BR>Atlanta
Dear Mr. President,<br>I would like to know hwy two years after the Persian Gulf war when Saddam was killing thousands and thousands of Kurds with mustard and sarin gs gases were we not jumping to help them? But when the oil that is in the…
Dear President,<BR>Think about fighting for peace instead of oil.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Reny Partain<BR>Melinda March<BR>Scripps College
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