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  • Tags: Taxes
Dear President,<BR>As a taxpayer, and a lesbian, why am I not conisdered an equal.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Erika Gallo<BR>Decatur, Georgia
Dear President,<BR>Please don't touch Social Security. I know it's unrealistic, but I know you can find other ways to raise whatever monies you may need. Please do not raise my taxes. I know that this is very cliched, but I am a single working…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>I'm nervous and shy about writing to you because I don't like confrontation. However, I strongly disagree with your policies, which put rich people before poor people. We need genuine programs to advance the quality of…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>How ya doin? Are you OK? Don't forget us at Project Hospitality. Will you please give me some money? You better lower taxes and gas prices.<BR>How much money do we have to pay for the Statue of Liberty? The…
Dear President,<BR>I hope by the time you're president you will make every-thing well for the next four years or eight years. I hope that taxeswill soon go down, that gas prices will go down and I hope you have a consideration of stopping…
Mr. President,<BR>Please use my taxes to provide low cost housing, increase jos and improve schools. If you love your home, please go home.<BR>love and peace,<BR>Jane Loebel<BR>Walnut Creek, Calif.

Dear future President,<BR>I would like to say that all I want for the future of our country is to have a smart, intelligent person in office. Don't abuse the power and think about how everybody feels. Try not to start a war that we can't finish…
Dear Mr. President, Can I please have an itemized receipt for my taxes? I would like to know how many potholes I paid for. Also, I think daylight savings times is stupid. Can we please do away with it? Lastly, why are there no left-hand turn signal…
Dear Mr. President,<br>Just raise taxes to support governmental initiatives.<br>Sincerely,<br>Kelly Nelson,<br>Farmville, Va.
Dear Mr. President,<BR>It is time to end the tax cuts to the very rich. It is also time to bring our troops home so that they can defend us at home. Please acknowledge that Americans have many diverse beliefs about religion and we need to keep…

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