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  • Tags: Admiration
Dear President Obama,<BR>Your ability to reflect at the deepest levels and keep cool brought us Pablo Casal's Tree of Life.<BR>Thank you for the new museum beside the Washington Monument.<BR>Rock on!<BR>Roberta Armstrong
Mrs. Clinton,<BR>Over the decades, no American has been vested more than you. And they still haven't pinned anything on you. You're my candidate. See you at the Inaugural in January.<BR>Regards,<BR>Rosemary Shields
Dear Obama,<BR>I wish you can be my President for ever.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Sage, age 6<BR>Winston Salem
senter sanders<BR>i dont really think your going to win this election but i wish y WOULD.i hope you continue to try to make a difference ans i apperciate whatyou try to do. thank younfor trying to draw attention to important issues i hope that…
Dear Hillary Clinton,<BR>Thank you for winning the election and causing us to not be living in a distopian future. I really like what you had to say with your campaign, but I'd like to make youpromisde to uphold all of the things you said you…
Dear President Obama,<BR>I'm sorry that everyone gives you a hard time. (If it makes you feel better, even George Washington got hate, heck half the country split over Lincoln.) I personally think that you are a really great president and an…
Dear Bernie,<BR>You are a beautiful new hope. I believe in a positive future, I believe in the people, and I believe in you. It is hard to have faith in politics, as a young woman I was not raised with hope. I choose to believe in our future.…
Dear Mr. President, Barack Obama,<BR>Your 8 years have came and went. Ibelieve you did an outstanding job in office. Regardless of opinion, you broke barriers and made history. Though some may say that you did not make that many changes to the…
Dear Mr. Sanders,<BR>You are a beautiful dream. Please inspire others to follow in your footsteps and carry your vision and work.<BR>Godspeed,<BR>Shama-e Zaheer
27 April 2016<BR>Dear President Obama:<BR>Thank you for being an exceptional leader and role model for young people in the United States. I want to say that your conviction and passion are an inspiration to me. Ilook forward to eh good…
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