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  • Tags: Gay rights-pro
Dear new President,<BR>My name is David Gentile, I'm from Washing ton, DC. I want to wish you good luck in your 4 year term. Please bring our boys home from Iraq. Give peace a change. Please try for a national health care system - people need…
Dear President,<BR>I wish someday I'll be able to marry the man I want to marry, and live a happy life like many Americans.<BR><BR>Sincerely,<BR>David Mathews<BR>Saugerties, NY
Dear President,<BR>I wish someday I'll be able to marry the man I want to marry, and live a happy life like many Americans.<BR><BR>Sincerely,<BR>David Mathews<BR>Saugerties, NY
To the president,<br>Dear Barack,<br>Thank you so much for all you do. I'm proud to be part of your LGBT Team in California.<br>Best wishes<br>Don Mullen<br>PS Let Biden be Biden
Mr. President,<br>Please use your second term to pass a national civil rights bill for the LGBT population.<br>Thank you,<br>Frankie Tack
Dear Mr. President,<br>I appreciate your support for marriage equality. You have the votes of my family, my friends, my co-workers and me.<br>Sincerely,<br>James Greene
Dear Mr. President,<br>Please legalize gay marriage and marijuana.<br>Sincerely,<br>Jen<br>San Diego State Univ.
Dear Mr. President,<br>Thank you for what you are trying to do to help women and the LGBT community.<br>Sincerely,<br>Jessica Injejiki
Dear Mr. President,<br>My concern is for all the homosexual people in our nation. I feel it is unfair that they are not allowed to marry each other because of fundamental beliefs in ancient traditions and morality that do not necessarilty apply…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>We need to legalize gay marriages., becuase there's nothing wrong withit. You can't help your feelings. Cheney's wife's book speaks of lesbians in a positive manner. Why don't you go read it.<BR>…
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