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  • Tags: Immigration
Dear President Obama,<br>Thank you for letting my nanny stay.<br>Love,<br>Bede
Mr. Trump,<br>I would hope that, at your age, you would have learned how the world best spins.<br>As an adult, you are responsible to make the world a better place than when you arrived here. It is your duty to educate the young, inspire…
Dear Mr. President,<br>I would like to remind you of your dreams and when you said justice for all, and when you said yes we can. What is happening with the Arizona law and what are you doing to fight back? I want to see you really fighting for…
Make good on your promis Obama. Reunite our family back together again. He is not a criminal and he is alone in a war zone right now. Stop the racism stop the hate.<br>Sincerely,<br>Bertha Guiterrez<br>San Diego
Dear President Obama,<br>I want you to know me and my family are victims of your false promises. My father came during the bracero program in 1942. He brought my brother, who at the time was 4 years old. At that time, when you came under the…
Dear Mr. President-elect,<br>Congratulations for winning the election! I wish you the best of luck for your time as a president. We are looking forward to the positive changes that are hopefully ahead of us.<br>Sincerely,<Br>Bettina…
and racist is almost an understatement. I hope that as the leader of this nation and by you recalling all the hopes for real change that you promised us you will intervene in order to nullify and invalidate these laws that place this country in one…
Saturday May 1, 2010<br>Dear President Obama,<br>On election night I opened my home for people to watch you become the next president. We were all infused with emotion joy and hope. We totally believed taht you were the one to turn this…
Dear President,<br>If you are a real Republican you would protect Americans' rights first - including black Vietnam veterans who have to take a backseat to undocumented aliens when it comes to housing medical care, etc. etc.<br>It seems…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>I want to stay in the USA for more than 4 months, like I have visa for. I'm a university student from Slovakia and I want a chance tot live here.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Boris Kuzmiak
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