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  • Tags: Peace
Dear President,<BR>I don't like war. Many people are being killed and I don't like that. I'm a refugee here, I came here three years ago. I was born in Burma. I didn't like the dictatorship in my country. I'm a Buddhist monk and participated in…

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George, we want peace. Get a brain. Michael Moore tells the truth.<BR>Loving you,<BR>Becky<BR>Rockport, Mass.
To the future President,<br>I hope you keep in mind the health and well-being of our future children through creating a much more peaceful environment, searching for alternative energy sources and stopping war.<br>Sincerely,<br>and…
Dear fellow human being,<BR>Universal peace begins with inner peace. May you find self love in your heart. All beings want to be happy.<BR>In peace,<BR>Cathy Goers<BR>San Francisco

Dear fellow human being and President,<br>I want to say, every day take a minute and think about people in American who go to bed hungry because they have no food. Think about people in American who are ill but cannot afford the doctor. Think…
Dear Madame President,<BR>My only hope for our country is thatwe are able to provide equal opportunity to all citizens, promote peace in the world, and leave us all feeling like we have not been abused by our government.<BR>Yours…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>My name is David B. Lockhart. I would once again like to send you a message from a man who has devoted his like to the humanities by being a 100% disabled American veteran from the military services. Thank you for…
Dear Mr. Trump,<br>'I simply can't build my hopes on a foundation of confusion, misery, and death.' Anne Frank<br>Should you be elected president the foundation upon which my generation will build will be one of utter chaos. You will not…
Dear President,<BR>Please be nice to all people. We are all the same. We need peace.<BR>Thank you.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Erika Kleinova
Dear Mr. President, You're certainly smarter than bush. You have intellect and a vision for a better foreign policy. now. Free Palestine and end Israel's occupation. It's the key to peace.<br>Thank you<br>Fadi Saba
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