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  • Tags: Homelessness
Dear President,<BR>I need some clarity on why I can't get employment. I don't have a problem giving you my vote, but I want to know if there will be some changes if you get re-elected.. I would like to speak about wages, housing, because I'm…
Dear not-my president,<br>my name is Jose Majias. I am one of these people that is homeless. What are you doing inthe world is wrong. I crya every night because I want a home. I want an education. If you supposed to be the president of the…
Dear Mr. President,<br>My name is Reginald Barham. I am a homeless individual living on the street because the shelters are too dangerous and full of drugs. I think that we need to get some type of order within he shelter system, so I can be…
DearPresident,<br>I think we need more daycare centers. We need community centers where kids can play basketball and not have to hang on the streets. We need to have more cops around in neighborhoods that are not so good. We need to supply the…
Dear President,<BR>I wish to say that, why should we go over and try to take care of somebody elses problems when we've got problems of our own? The homeless people are growing and it's getting harder for us to find help. It gets harder every…
Dear President,<br>We need peace. The economy is so bad. The homeless population is suffering, children are suffering, minori ties are suffering. It's been very difficult. As the President, see how you can help the citizens here. Thank…
Dear President,<BR>My thing is - why is the state allowing the police to write homeless people tickets for sleeping on the streets when the only place for them to sleep is on the streets? All I want is for you to encourage not only this state…
Dear President Obama,<br>Take care of the homeless. We need to give them food, clothing, shelter, water, everything. That's it.<br> Sincerely,<br>Merrill
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