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  • Tags: Peace
Dear Mr. or Mrs. President,<BR>Don't bring back the draft. Education's important and I'd like to stay in school rather than go fight a war.<BR><BR>Peace is the answer.<BR>Sincerely,<BR><BR>Kevin…
To Mr. or Mrs. President,<BR>Let's do better. No war, just peace.<BR><BR>Sincerely,<BR><BR>Loni Bailey<BR>Salisbury University<BR>Maryland

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Dear the Future of America,<br>I want the President to be a role model for other countries because I love America. Many di-fferant people live together and all people live in peace. I imagine the world without any kind of…
Dear future president,<br>I would love to see many of the current issues resolved and brought to a peaceful resolution. There are so many negative things happening that need to be addressed (like Korea) If youm could make college more…
Dear president Obama,<BR>I support you and all you endevors, Im glad that you normalized relations with cuba. Thank you for keeping us at peace<BR>Sincerely,<BR<Sue
Dear Candidates,<BR>From New Yorks melting pot. Lets build bridges not walls. The Brooklyn bridge is a great example.<BR>Tony from New York

Dear Hillary,<BR>Please help protect the environment so that my kids can enjoy it the way that I have. Please work for peace and social welfare. We support you and thank you for making a…
Dear President,<BR>Please promote peace.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Sheila Cody<BR>Rhinebeck, NY

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Dear president,<BR>Asi de from any political agenga what our country needs most is, a person to unite us and bring peace back to America.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Lauren Honeycutt

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Dear next President,<BR>I want peace and let the poor not be poor.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Isabella, age 7

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