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  • Tags: Immigration
Dear Mrs. Clinton,<BR>Your time in office will begin with tremendous challenges, but there are some simple things you can do to reengage the American people. Forst and foremost, create an environment where immigrants and immigration become…
Dear Mr. President,<br>I grew up in a time period when most of the labor was being done by undocumented workers in this state. California has flourished on the backs of undocumented workers. Which they were calling wetbacks when I was growing…
Dear Mr. President,<br>I've been here 20 years. My area that I can move around in is 10 miles. I can't go to LA etc. I have been working for 20 years, half my life, for the US. I consider it as being in jail for 20 years. I don't know how long…
Dear Mr. President,<br> The time is overdue for legalizing people's rights that were inherently earned by their paying of taxes, state local or otherwise. To deny them their rights and criminalize them is to perpetuate their imoverished…
May 1, 2010<br>Dear President Obama<br>Hello L on Pineta, We cannot afford 1070 Arizona law because that goes back before WII. What the Gestapo people did to the Jewish people by asking for their papers, that is what this law…
Dear Mr. President,<br>(old or new)<br>The immigration policy both in theory and practice should not make the fellow American embarrassed as many of them were immigrants before.<br>Sincerely,<br>Paul Pliska<br>New Jersey
Dear Mr. President,<br>I'm writing this to you today to ask you to consider the Latino population as more than a homogenous grou and to consider the ramifications of short-sighted immigration reform. Sincerely,<br>Patricia…
Dear President,<br>For 25 years, ever since I have arrived into this country and during all the political debates the same issues keep on coming up again: education, immigration, healthcare, and security. Twenty-five years later, the debate…
Dear Mr. President:<br>This is my third time living in the U.S. Every time I live here, I wish certain things were different. First, I believe healthcare should not be such a big part of our income. Also, I wish Immigration Laws were a bit more…
Dear Bush,<BR>My mother came to this country 30 years ago, and she wants to vote for you because you are better looking than Kerry. It is true, many immigrants vote this way. When I look at you, I don't know whose eyes I want to tear out --…
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