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  • Tags: Conversational
Dear Mr. Obama,<br>Next weekend we will be visiting Washingot DC and although we are friends on Facebook I am afraid we will not meet. I,m very sorry for that because i want to tell you I thimnk you are a great man. I think you are very social.…
Dear President Barack Obama,<BR>First of all, I compliment you on your elegant walking style as a President,<BR>I enjoyed watching you and your human side<BR>Maya Lehmann
Dear President Obama,<BR>It was nice coming to the U.S. to visit. I will come back soon and see how the new president is working out. I admire you because you are a very good human and you have good…
Dear President Obama,<BR>I said to my wife the other day""the 2016 Presidential Campaign makes me sad. I feel like Obama broke up with me but had not moved out of our apartment.""I knocked on doors during your 2008 campaign in Philadelphia. In…
Dear Bernie Sanders, I wish my grandmother was alive to se you run for president. She was a Jewish woman who grew up in the Great Depression and had a massive crush on Baracjk Obama. She probably would have been at all your rallies in…
Dear Bernie Sanders,<BR>How is it like to be a candidate. Is there ways to help people in Syria? Is the NYC water free of lead?<BR>Adam Mian
Dear Mr. President,<BR><BR>Thank you for your service. Sorry your hair went so grey. What you acomplished made us proud.
Dear President,<BR>I sincerely hope that you have both our nation's and the interests at heart in the decisions you make.<BR><BR>From,<BR><BR>Kay Reichenbach<BR>Miami University
I wanted to tell you good luck, we're all counting on you.<BR><BR>Sincerely,<BR><BR>Kyle Barr<BR>Miami University
Dear Secretary Clinton,<BR>I was undecided for the New York primary vote, I felt like Senator Sanders needed my vote so I went with him. Maybe next time.<BR>Alower East Side Voter
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