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  • Tags: Oil/natural resources/gas
Dear President,<BR>I didn't vote for you, and I wish that we had someone run against you who could have won. Anyone else would be better than you. I know you're making alot of money because of all the money you invested in the oil business. But…
Dear new President,<BR><BR>Please express concern for the environment, and people in the nation at all socio-economic levels. And teach everybody to ride a bike.<BR><BR>Sincerely,<BR>Sarah Kaufman<BR>Brooklyn
Dear new President,<BR>Please express concern for the environment, and people in the nation at all socio-economic levels. And teach everybody to ride a bike.<BR><BR>Sincerely,<BR><BR>Sarah Kaufman<BR>Brooklyn
Dear Hilary,<BR>I wish to say that I would vote for you if you were geniunly against fracking. I appreciate thatBernie has pulled you to the progressive point of view butyou need to understand that these issues are real. Fracking causes…
To the President,<BR>As a young person in this country and an environmentalist, I think it is very important that environmental issues are a priority. While I realize that the most prominent issues right now are the economy and Iraq, I would…
Dear President,<BR>I think the increasing interest in biofuels supports dependance on the petrolium and auto industries. Our focus really needs to be on conservation and noncombustible fuels.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Sydney…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>You should stop telling the evacuees to keep moving one place to the other, just stay in one place. Those water and ice trucks keep getting re-routed, so they should just stay in one place so people know where to get it,…
To the President,<BR>Congratulations! But I want you to be better than Bush. And I want the war to end, so we can stop sending our troops. And I want the gas prices to go down because they are extremely high. And want there to be more…
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