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  • Tags: Peace
Dear current and future President,<br>Your 2nd term may be a mandate so that future Presidents will not will not be handcuffed. Indite those that were responsible for starting an unjust war.<br>.Looking forward to peace and prosperity for…
Dear President Obama and first Lady Michelle,<br>Participation in the arts is fundamental to world peace. It transcends diffrerence and unifies. It nurtures compassiona and heals. I would like to see the defense budget shifted to art education…
Mr. President,<BR>Stop all state-sanctioned violence. Your racist wars only breed more violance. I want justice, peace, and love -- NOW!<BR>Love,<BR>Galen Peterson<BR>Oakland
Dear Mr. President,<BR>America is the most powerful country in the wrld, but it' s not going to be forever. Take care that there is more peace in the world. Remember the historyof all the great empires with military power -- they all failed.…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>Respect is not one with violence. Imperial arrogance only breeds hatred.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Hector Lugo<BR>Berkley
Dear next President,<BR>I want peace and let the poor not be poor.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Isabella, age 7

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Dear new president,<br>The longer I live the more I question whether there is a dishonorable peace. Please know that war should be the last alternative.<br>Sincerely and best wishes,<br>James Stewert<br>Victoria, Texas

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Mr. President,<BR>Why are we still at war? Please advise me of this. The weapons of mas destructtion have not been shown to the world. Did you have a grudge agaisnt Saddam Hussein? Or did you just want to fight? I don't see any need for our…
Dear next President,<BR>I hope that there can be more peace and less pollution, and less war. I want to make this country a better place.<BR>Love,<BR>Joi<BR>Age 9
Dear the Future of America,<br>I want the President to be a role model for other countries because I love America. Many di-fferant people live together and all people live in peace. I imagine the world without any kind of…
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