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  • Tags: Immigration
Dear Mrs. Clinton,<BR>Your time in office will begin with tremendous challenges, but there are some simple things you can do to reengage the American people. Forst and foremost, create an environment where immigrants and immigration become…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>I believe the wall should not be built. From what I know about illegal immigration, it seems like it would be a waste of money. The two biggest ways illegal immigrants get into the country is by overstaying on work visas…
Dear President-elect for the time being,<BR>In the event that you maintain full presidency, I pray you don't screw this up and my roomate is Mexican. Can he get a get-out-of-jail-free card?<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Dan Bonasoro<BR>St.…
Dear Ms President,<BR>We've come along way to be a nation of equality, and I will sleep better when I know you will take care of the LGBT community, women in the workforce and the rainbow of immigrants. Help us to be the Nation we're destined…
Dear Donald Trump,<br>You sure putting on a good act,<br>it's amazing that you have so many people fooled.<br>Unfortunately, that's what happens when you have the news media on your side.<br>I know who you are related…
Dear Mr. Trump,<br>You are not qualified to run this country<br>My main concern is that you have no political experience. That is somewhat equivalent to my dentist working on my car. Even though you have not directly said this, you are…
Dear Mr. President,<br>Hello Mr. Obama, I wish to say my opinion about dancing. Dancing is fun and calming and sometimes hard. I wish that dancing was more appreciated from everyone. Also, people in our country should stop littering so…
To Bernie,<br>Thanks for raising the issues and awareness for what really matters. Keep on fighting the good fight. Stay true to yourself.<br>Dimitar Dzharov<br>green card holder from Bulgaria, who very unfortunately can't vote for…
Dear Bernie,<br>Ain't no party like the Democratic party because the Democratic party don't stop. Be cool. Cheers!!!<br>That is all, Hailee
Dear Donald Trump,<br>Go home. Don't insult other people.<br>These are the thoughts of two German girls.<br>An and Isi
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