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  • Tags: Oil/natural resources/gas
Dear Mr. President,<BR>I speak as a Vietnam -era veteran. My question is, why have you sacrificed so many young, innocent and beautiful young mens' lives in Iraq in the interest of oil profiteers and the military complex? You claim that you in…
Dear President Bush,<BR>I would like to thank you for allowing our country's agenda to be hijacked by the religious right and the oil industry. I look forward to your return to the private sector.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>A friend in New…
Dear Mr. President,<br>For the past 57 years, the U.S. has in one way or another backed Israel at the expense of Palestinian rights, human, civil andnational. Ifwe are to live up to our standards of freedom, liberty and justice for all, then we…
I'm a Vietnam veteran and I'm a patriot. This war is wrong. We should not be sending our young men and women to die for the profits of oil companies. Presently I'm a federal worker and our jobs are being contracted out so you can feed the war…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>Please stop raising gas prices, because I'm poor.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Melvin Bussy<BR>Atlanta
Dear Mr. President,<BR>Thank you for beating Iraq so far, but why did you raise the taxes? Is it because the oil was too high?<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Matthew Perez<BR>Tampa, Fla.<BR>age 9
Dear Mr. President,<BR>My 21-year-old nephew is a Force Recon Marine in Falugia. If he is killed in order that you may make more money with your oil interests, I will be even more horrified and angry with what you have brought to our country.…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>It's time you woke up. Stop feeding all of your friends inthe oil industry, the automobile industry, the drug industry etc. You have a responsibility to the people of this country instead of special interests. Instead of…
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