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  • Tags: Taxes
I wish to say, in regards to taxes it should go towards creating a universal healthcare system. Other countries like Thailand and Switzerland take a portion of the taxes and put it toward administrative and healthcare costs. There's no reason that so…
Dear President,<BR>I hope by the time you're president you will make every-thing well for the next four years or eight years. I hope that taxeswill soon go down, that gas prices will go down and I hope you have a consideration of stopping…
Dear Mr. President, Can I please have an itemized receipt for my taxes? I would like to know how many potholes I paid for. Also, I think daylight savings times is stupid. Can we please do away with it? Lastly, why are there no left-hand turn signal…
Dear Mr. President,<br>I'm not much of a supporter, but I like the way you handled the 9-11 tragedy. It's unfair that you all he rich to pay less taxes than the poor. And you need to get the troops out of Iraq, because many families are…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>Cut it out with all these wars and wasting our tax dollars on foolishness. Give us a break and stop trying to break us. I sell water on the streets for a living cus stupid rules want me to get a job but I can't get hired.…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>How come I pay taxes yet I'm not allowed to vote?<BR>Thank you.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Alex Elena<BR>New York City<BR>p.s. I've been here for 8 years and I'm from Italy.

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Dear President,<BR>As a taxpayer, and a lesbian, why am I not conisdered an equal.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Erika Gallo<BR>Decatur, Georgia
Hello Mr. President,<br>My name is Virginia Apgar. Thank you for keeping our country safe. Not an easy task, and again, thank you.<br>p.s. Thank you for the tax break. I got an extra 1,000 I never would have…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>Thank you for beating Iraq so far, but why did you raise the taxes? Is it because the oil was too high?<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Matthew Perez<BR>Tampa, Fla.<BR>age 9
Hi I am an Indian working in the U.s. for the last five years, and I pay hund-reds of dollars in tax ever y month. It will take anoth er 15 years, if ever for me to get citizenship, and so I am moving to Europe, please fix your immigration laws.
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