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  • Tags: Immigration
Dear Mr. President,<br>I'm a mother and I don't want any more families to be seperated. We don't want them to seperate any more families because kids like me have dreams like going to the moon. And being depressed because our families are…
Dear Mr. President of the United States of America,<br>I want to know what you think about Mexico changing its name ot just Mexico instead of the United States of Mexico. What happened to immigration reform? I thought the U.S. was a melting pot…
Dear Mr. President:<br>My main concern is that Immigration Reform will be passed. I hope the economy gets better in terms of jobs. And peace is a very important concern for me.<br>Sincerely,<br>Michael Veliz
Hi I am an Indian working in the U.s. for the last five years, and I pay hund-reds of dollars in tax ever y month. It will take anoth er 15 years, if ever for me to get citizenship, and so I am moving to Europe, please fix your immigration laws.
Hi I am an Indian working in the U.s. for the last five years, and I pay hundreds of dollars in tax every month. It will take another 15 years, if ever for me to get citizenship, and so I am moving to Europe, people fix your immigration laws.
Dear President,<BR>What are your thoughts about immigration reform? Based on my experience at the hospital, I see that we cater to a lot of upper class and middle class, while we rarely if ever see anybody from the lower class. What about those…
Mr. Obama,<br>Please we ask taht you pass a new law. It is in my prayer that there will be freedom, that the United States of America will keep living in liberty, freedom, and justice for all. It is in my prayer that you not turn away innocent…
The Spanish people, we think the next President is good news for immigration, for the schools, for the tax. Because the Spanish people think the economy is not good at this tiie, so the new President brings new ideas for this country. The Spanish…
Mr. President<br>You lied to us. You promised reform, but you didn't do it yet. If you want to get re-elected, I won't vote for you if youwon't reform the immigration law. Thank you.<br>Maria Pena<br>San Diego, CA
Dear Mr. President,<br>I would like for you to consider the situation with immigration. Most often, Hispanics are having t rouble with residency and even getting into this country. This nation is under God and in God we trust. Where is the…
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