Browse Items (77 total)

  • Tags: Conversational
Dear President,<BR>My aunt went to Iraq and had never came back for Christmas. We have hardly no dumpsters here.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Mori K.<BR>Tuba City, Arizona
Si se pueda?<BR><BR> Lovingly,<BR>Michael and Otis<Br>New York - in Dallas<BR>Feb. 22, 2008
Dear President,<br>Like you, I am not a very articulate person. Like you I know when it's time to go home. Now that I'm out o jail for carring a pocket knife that the arresting officers knoingly claimed was incorrectly a butterfly knife, I'm…
Dear President Barack Obama,<BR>First of all, I compliment you on your elegant walking style as a President,<BR>I enjoyed watching you and your human side<BR>Maya Lehmann
Hi George,<br>I just want to drop you a few lines to let you know how I'm doing. I'm doing bad. I gotta go to court on Monday on a harassment charge and on Friday I goto court for stalking. I'm homeless and I'm porr. And I ain't saw a bed in a…
Dear President,<BR>There should be more Susan Prathers around the world. They everybody would actually have a mother that cares.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Mark Chamberlin<BR>Walnut Creek, Calif.
Dear next president,<BR>I appreciated that president Obama supported musicians like Patti Labelle and Janelle Monae by having concerts at the white house. I love that Michelle Obama wore a purple dress in rememberance of Prince. when the two of…
Dear President,<BR>Didn't we learn anything from Vietnam?<BR>With concern,<BR>Lee Sparks<BR>Austin, Texas
I wanted to tell you good luck, we're all counting on you.<BR><BR>Sincerely,<BR><BR>Kyle Barr<BR>Miami University
Dear President,<BR>Don't ever forget the WWII vets and the VA. I'm 80 years old, a WWII and Korean vet. My death wish is to see the WWII memorial in Washinton, DC before i die.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Kenneth Kelly<BR>Bridgeport,…
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