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  • Tags: Taxes
Dear Obama,<br>Lower my taxes.<br>From,<br>Erie

I wish to say, in regards to taxes it should go towards creating a universal healthcare system. Other countries like Thailand and Switzerland take a portion of the taxes and put it toward administrative and healthcare costs. There's no reason that so…
Please fix the world. Clean up the mess.<BR>These are the things to fix: Repeal Citizens United. Reinstate Glass Steagall to overwrite Frank Dodd. Total amnesty for all student debt including retroactive tax credits for those who have already…
Dear Mr. Obama,<br>I didn't vote for you, but I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt. Please don't raise taxes. I'll trust you until you totally mess everything up.<br>Good luck and I hope you do this country good. I hope I…

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Madame President,<BR>It's an honor to meet you. I think it's really important to provide a highly visible platform tofight for the rights and the needs of the elderly, who are too often pushed aside and forgotten about in our society. Likewise,…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>Cut it out with all these wars and wasting our tax dollars on foolishness. Give us a break and stop trying to break us. I sell water on the streets for a living cus stupid rules want me to get a job but I can't get hired.…
Dear President,<br>When you are elected, I will be 24 years old and I would like to see a government that stays out of my life. I love the freedom that I have as an American. I'd like to see the country return to the values it had in the past.…
Dear Mr. Obama,<br>For the 8 years you have been in office the economics have gotten not better for african americans with the war we are in, in Afghanistan and Syria we need to focus on the interests in this country; jobs and housing, and…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>How come I pay taxes yet I'm not allowed to vote?<BR>Thank you.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Alex Elena<BR>New York City<BR>p.s. I've been here for 8 years and I'm from Italy.

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Dear Mr. President:<br>Please continue to push for eceonomic stability for the middle class. My tax bracket plus Chicago taxes consume a great deal of my income. Please reduce some social programs so that my income is not overwhelmed by taxes.…
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