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  • Tags: Conversational
Dear President,<br>Please start reading the newspaper. I don't know if you'rea ware of his, but they've been running classic Peanuts strips for the last several years.<br>Sincerely,<br>Jesse Fuchs<br>Manhattan, NY
Dear President<br.I I was a baseball player I would play good and be a good pitcher, be a good batter and have a good life.<br>Sincerely,Ashley Melendez<br>Brooklyn, NY<br>(age 9)
Dear President,<BR>From school. I like playing with my teacher outside. We can go to the small park and the biggerpark. And we get to go to the field.And we get to go on field trips. When we come back, we go play with the…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>You are the best president. I want to know, what is your name?<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Ayanna Davis<BR>Cambridge, Mass.<BR>Age 7
Hi George,<br>I just want to drop you a few lines to let you know how I'm doing. I'm doing bad. I gotta go to court on Monday on a harassment charge and on Friday I goto court for stalking. I'm homeless and I'm porr. And I ain't saw a bed in a…
Hi my name is Noah. I'm 8 years old. I want to be the President. I would make water slides. And I'd give everyone free money. Make another holiday.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Noah Horowitz<BR>Windsor, Ontorio<BR>(in NY)
Hi, I am Aidin. I am 6. Can I be the President next? I play chess andI am a soccor player, and I got a medal. I think you're going a good job. I'll give free food to all the poor people what I'm President.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Windsor,…
Dear President,<BR>Don't ever forget the WWII vets and the VA. I'm 80 years old, a WWII and Korean vet. My death wish is to see the WWII memorial in Washinton, DC before i die.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Kenneth Kelly<BR>Bridgeport,…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>I had a dream last night that the ghost of failure came to haunt me. He was dressed in an old business suit. He wore spats. And hehad a large nose that made him look like a bird. It made me think about ways I need to…
Dear President,<BR>Just writing to you from gay pride. Wish you were here. Hope to see you soon.<BR>Love,<BR>Alyssa<BR>Phillipsburg, NJ
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