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  • Tags: Immigration
Dear Mr. President of the United States of America,<br>I want to know what you think about Mexico changing its name ot just Mexico instead of the United States of Mexico. What happened to immigration reform? I thought the U.S. was a melting pot…
Dear Mr. President,<br>You promised to do something about immigration and nothing's happened. You just promised the otehr day to the Hispanic forum that you would do something. Do it!<br>Sincerely,<br>Carolyn Marie Downie
Dear Mr. President,<br>I'm writing this to you today to ask you to consider the Latino population as more than a homogenous grou and to consider the ramifications of short-sighted immigration reform. Sincerely,<br>Patricia…
Dear Mr. President,<br>What happened to the dream act? So many young people have been left in limbo. They want to be productive citizens and they deserve a chance to be part of our country. Please don't disappoint…
Dear Mr. President,<br>I need somebody to fix my legal situatin in this country. I want to be a citizen.<br>Sincerely,<br>Julio Pereda
Dear President Obama,<br>Thank you for letting my nanny stay.<br>Love,<br>Bede
Dear Mr. President,<br>My partner and I worked on your campaign. It's very upsetting to me that as a Filipino, he noe doesn't have the same rights as me. That just isn't right. I know you're looking into it and I support your efforts. We need…
Dear Mr. President,<br>We want help for all these people that are in this country. We are here supporting Arizona immigrants. Please listen to us.<br>God bless you,<br>Soledad Gonzalez
Dear Mr. President,<br>We are a country of immigrants. Arizona's new law sets a dangerous precedent. Please support the rights of all human beings.<br>Sincerely<br>Shane J. Roeschlein<br>San Diego
Dear Mr. President,<br>I grew up in a time period when most of the labor was being done by undocumented workers in this state. California has flourished on the backs of undocumented workers. Which they were calling wetbacks when I was growing…
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