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  • Tags: Peace
Dear Next President,<br>Please consider stopping the war and helping to organize world peace.<br>Musically,<Br>Peter Fritz<br>Muhlenberg Collge,<Br>Allentown, PA

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To the future President,<br>I hope you keep in mind the health and well-being of our future children through creating a much more peaceful environment, searching for alternative energy sources and stopping war.<br>Sincerely,<br>and…
Dear Mr. President,<br>I am a student seeking a society where I can pursue my passions, stopping to participate in the political system when I am in solidarity with those struggling for preace, justics, and equality. I expect you to facilitate…
Dear new president,<br>The longer I live the more I question whether there is a dishonorable peace. Please know that war should be the last alternative.<br>Sincerely and best wishes,<br>James Stewert<br>Victoria, Texas

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Dear fellow human being and President,<br>I want to say, every day take a minute and think about people in American who go to bed hungry because they have no food. Think about people in American who are ill but cannot afford the doctor. Think…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>Respect is not one with violence. Imperial arrogance only breeds hatred.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Hector Lugo<BR>Berkley
Mr. President,<BR>Why are we still at war? Please advise me of this. The weapons of mas destructtion have not been shown to the world. Did you have a grudge agaisnt Saddam Hussein? Or did you just want to fight? I don't see any need for our…
Mr. President,<BR>Stop all state-sanctioned violence. Your racist wars only breed more violance. I want justice, peace, and love -- NOW!<BR>Love,<BR>Galen Peterson<BR>Oakland
Dear Mr. President,<BR>Please be more responsible in yourposition rather than using the dictatorship style you have been. Please look beyond yourself and think of the people you represent. Bring resolution for peace instead of causing more…
Dear fellow human being,<BR>Universal peace begins with inner peace. May you find self love in your heart. All beings want to be happy.<BR>In peace,<BR>Cathy Goers<BR>San Francisco


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