Browse Items (39 total)

  • Tags: Personal inquiry
Dear next President,<BR>How many rooms are in the White House?<BR>From,<BR>Mick, age 6
Dear next President,<BR>How many steps are in the White House?<BR>From,<BR>Griffin, age 9
Dear next President,<BR>How many pets are there in the White House? You are a good president.<BR>From,<BR>Grace, age 7
I have a question: Can I do that too?
Dear next President,<BR>I really want to go to the White House.<BR>From,<BR>Sean Doyle, age 7
Dear next President,<BR>I wonder if you're a nice president? And I wonder how you like it in the White House? And I wonder what your favorite treat is?<BR>From,<BR>Celeste, age 6
Dear Donald,<BR>We are one and the same. If you are elected, I will do your job. Give me a call. 347 993 8901.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Martha
Dear Mr. President:<BR>Eat more BEER NUTS.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Kathleen Skirk<BR>BEER NUTS First Lady
Dear Barack:<BR>How are you? Have you not heard from you in awhile. Hope you are enjoying your last term in office. How are Michelle and the girls? I know these past few years have been stressful, but hang in there you are almost done. After…
Dear Mrs. Clinton,<BR>My series of concerns:1) The Justice system. With respect to DHS, policies need to be reevaluated. Policies with respect to data that the FBI and the NCIC have access to. There are multiple errors in my file in the system.…
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