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  • Tags: Conversational
dear HILARY,<BR>You should take bernie as your vice president.<BR>TRUMP SUCKS<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Emma Risley
DearMadam SecrectaryClinton,<BR>Mywish is for increase funding for biotechnology so that when the trees in Bryant Park are replaced with new ones they will glow in the dark.<BR>Sincerely and best wishes in the upcoming…
Dear Hillary,<BR>I would love to know what is the most important thing that you have learned from this campaign, and how you intend to apply that knowledge to governing the country and especially to helping those who are unable to help…
Dear Senetor Clinton,<BR>It was easy to decide to vote for you becuase I'm slightly liberal, which makes my a democrat, one of the two type of human in America. I don't agree with you on a lot of issues but picking you was super convenient,…
Dear next president,<BR>I appreciated that president Obama supported musicians like Patti Labelle and Janelle Monae by having concerts at the white house. I love that Michelle Obama wore a purple dress in rememberance of Prince. when the two of…
Why I support Trump<BR>Joseph Rodrigues<BR>Wall Street<BR>I support you for the defense of Wall St, the very institution the kept NY aflaot. I live on the streets of NY and invest in blue stock market.<BR>Whole Milk vs Skim…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>Having a lovely time here at the Oakland Box Theater with the First Amendment Project. I hope you hear about it.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Stephen W. Nichols<BR>San Francisco
Dear President of the United States<BR> I'm a tourist from Japan. The majority of Japanese don't like you becuase you break out war in Iraq for without reason. But you dont worry. Small Japenese likes you becuase you look like…
Dear Mr. President,<BR>I was the one who called the cops on your daughters at Chuy's. see you when you get backto y Austin.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Alex Juares<BR>Austin, Texas<BR> p.s. It sucks to be you.
Dear President,<BR>Didn't we learn anything from Vietnam?<BR>With concern,<BR>Lee Sparks<BR>Austin, Texas
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