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  • Tags: Immigration
Dear Mr. President,<br>As a Mexican-American I want justice because people targeting based on the color of your skin. We need justice. I am a US citizen and I voted for you.<br>Maria A. Diaz
Dear Mr. President,<br>The march for everybody today, other countries for the future, especially for the children. I appreciate what you did. I pray every day for that works together.<br>Maria Cote<br>San Diego CA
Dear Mr. Trump,<br>I am a fellow citizen. I would like to speak to you with all my heart. I have been living in the US for over 35 years and I am proud to be an American for I5 years. I just want to continue to be proud of this country after th…
Dear future President,<br>Please simplify the legal immigration for highly skilled workers. Also allow highly skilled dependents to work so they can contribute to the country's growth.<br>Good luck and all the best in your next…
May 1, 2010<br>Dear Mr. President,<br>Obama stop the hate. Stop targeting Mexican citizens. They're just targeting one race and everyone is equal. American Indians are here on this land. This is Mexican land.<br>Maggie<br>San…
Dear Mr. President<br>I would like you to keep your promise when you said during your campaign that you would support amnesty, that you would reform laws for illegal immigrants. I would like you to do you said. <br>Sincerely and with all…
Dear Mr. Trump,<br>I don;t believe in your very ignorant mindset. I don't like the way you discri minate against hard-working immigrants, my parents came here to work, they work hard, never raped, neve r stole. If you want tomake America great…
Immigration Legislation<BR>Dear President,<BR>My main concern is immigration policy. It's 2008 and we don't have a decent immigration policy - get a grip! Apparently the presidents do not know their history. The Latino and indiginous…
Dear President,<br>I hope above all that you'll be a statesman or stateswoman rather than a politician. I hope that in considering immigration policy you will consider the tremendous number of benefits of having a diverse population of people…
Dear President Obama,<br>Equal opportunity for everybody. God created all equal. We need to reform that law right now.<br>Leonor Bernardez<br>San Diego, CA
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