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  • Tags: Personal inquiry
Dear next President,<BR>I wonder if you're a nice president? And I wonder how you like it in the White House? And I wonder what your favorite treat is?<BR>From,<BR>Celeste, age 6
Dear Mr. President, Kindly ask your Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, why my old college buddy did not respond when I wrote to wish her the best?<BR>Very truly yours,<BR>Bryon King<BR>New York City<BR>ND '74
Dear Mr. President,<BR>I want to express my condolence in the passing of my father, Hubert Answick.<BR>Yours truly,<BR>Belviane J. Brown<BR>New York City
I have a question: Can I do that too?
Dear Mr. President,<BR>My name is Patricia Lucas and I'm new in Atlanta, Georgia. I come from Newark, N.J., to reinvent myself. I am now drug free, alcohol free and I graduated from 2 schools with honors. One was advanced training for medical…
Dear President,<br>Bring my uncle home. My aunt needs him.<br>Sincerely,<br>Angelica Irizarry<br>Brooklyn, NY
Dear Mr. President,<BR>I am a young black college student, female, middle-class I just have one question: What have you done for me in the span of 4 years?<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Alicia Ingram<BR>San Jose, Calif. (in Atlanta)
Dear Barack:<BR>How are you? Have you not heard from you in awhile. Hope you are enjoying your last term in office. How are Michelle and the girls? I know these past few years have been stressful, but hang in there you are almost done. After…
Dear President BUsh,<BR>I was wondering about ordinary people and how they get in touch with you. There are a lot of resources around and time consuming and this is the short way. I was trying to find out information for my son on how to become…
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