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  • Tags: Race
Dear President Clinton,<BR>Good luck! It was a hard fight, but you rose to the occasion. And because of you, all of us here in North Carolina went from red to blue and I hope that you will honor your alliance with Bernie and do the right thing…
Dear President,<BR>As you may have noticed, there's an ongoing war on black people in this country. This week alone two unarmed black men disturbing no one were murdered in their cars.<BR>What will you do tochange this?<BR>Betsey…

Dear Hillary,<BR>It looks like you might be President. I just wanna thank you for acknoledgeing structural racism during your first debat I was impressed and surprised. It seems (like) a great step in the right direction and I hope you were…

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Dear next President,<BR>Please improve race relations in this country. It hurts me to live in a country that's torn apart by something as stupid as race. Also, please improve healthcare. I have personally seen children dying because they don't…
Dear All presidentiial Candidates,<BR>It is 2016, why dont you understand how DNA works? How come comes we categorize people by the color of their skin, eyes, and hair?<BR>My father is Puertorican and my mother is Dutch and I don't…

To our future President,<BR>I hope that in the future you can do everything in your power to increase diversity and the acceptance of difference on our beautiful campus.<BR>Sincerely yours,<BR><BR>Howard Wesley…

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Dear Donald Trump,<BR>I am an artist, and when I paint a person, I do not use white or black to define the complexion of a person's skin.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>An American

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Dear Mr. Trump,<BR>I don't believe in your very ignorant mindset. I don't like the way you discriminate against hard-working immigrants, my parents came here to work, they work hard, never raped, never stole. If you want tomake America great…

Dear Mr. Trump,<br>I don;t believe in your very ignorant mindset. I don't like the way you discri minate against hard-working immigrants, my parents came here to work, they work hard, never raped, neve r stole. If you want tomake America great…
Dear All presidentiial Candidates<br>It is 20I6, why dont you underst-and how DNA works? How come we categorize people by the color of of their skin, eyes, and hair? My father is Puertorican and my mother is Dutchand I dono t understand why…


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