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  • Tags: Conversational
Dear Mr. President,<BR>You are very sexy. If you're ever in Austin, drop by.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Hallie Lieberman<BR>Austin, Texas
Dear President,<BR>I want to know if you could visit me. Do you have lots of dogs? Where do you live?Do you have any children or a wife? Do you have a new born baby?I live in El Paso.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Guess who?<BR>El Paso,…
Dear Mr. President, Isn't it cool being president? Is it cool bring President? Please keep our country safe but bring our soldiers home.<BR>I feell that you should clean up empty lots and make beautiful gardens.<BR>Do you think you are…
Dear President Bush<BR>How did you become presient of the United States? Tell me and I'll send a postcard back.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Sam Gallardo<BR>El Paso, Texas
Dear President,<BR>Is it possible to clone Sasan Prather? We need more people like her who care about the homeless. I hear they cloned a cat. Why not Susan?<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Jeannie Harmon<BR>Walnut Creek, Calif
Dear President,<BR>There should be more Susan Prathers around the world. They everybody would actually have a mother that cares.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Mark Chamberlin<BR>Walnut Creek, Calif.
Dear Mr. President, Am I better off today than I was four years ago? NOT.<BR>May your next four years be as lofty as mine,<BR>Pat Smith<BR>Concord, Calif.
Born to lose, live to win.<BR>MOTORHEAD<BR>Billy<BR>Walnut Creek, Calif.
Dear President,<BR>I want to know if you could visit me. Do you have lots of dogs? Where do you live?Do you have any children or a wife? Do you have a new born baby?I live in El Paso.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Guess who?<BR>El Paso,…
Dear Mr. President, Isn't it cool being president? Is it cool bring President? Please keep our country safe but bring our soldiers home.<BR>I feell that you should clean up empty lots and make beautiful gardens.<BR>Do you think you are…
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