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  • Tags: Immigration
Dear President Obama,<br>Equal opportunity for everybody. God created all equal. We need to reform that law right now.<br>Leonor Bernardez<br>San Diego, CA
Dear Mr. President,<br>I have been here for 20 years waiting for an amnesty. I help sick people for a living. I donate to every organization I possibly can. I pay my income taxes every year. How does that make me a criminal? I pay for my own…
Dear Mr. President,<br>Please, you promised to help illegal people and workers here in America. I haven't seen anything done yet. I have worked here for 40 years and I would like to see you help immigrants here. Its up to you.<br>Bless…
Dear Mr. President,<br>As an immigrant from England, holding joint Amerian-British citizenship, I was shocked and outraged to see the recent legislation eminating from our neighbor state to the east. Please do everything in your power to speed…
Dear Mr. President,<br> We support what you're doing. We know change doesn't happen overnight. SB 1070 needs to be overturned or changed.<br>Sincerely,<br>Irma Gomez Jordan<br>Temeoula CA
Dear President Obama,<br>I would like to say something about immigration reform. I remember your words were ""We can do it."" I love you and I respect you as President.<br>Delores Fernandez<br>San Diego
Dear President Obama,<br>You inspired us with hope and change. We're counting on you for the promises and one of them was immigration reform. Please, please make it possible. We still believe in you. We still have hope. We know it's hard but…
Dear President Obama,<br>Indians are the Americans! Everyone is an immigrant. We are all human.<br>Sincerely,<br>Erik Jovan Santos
Dear President Obama,<br>I'm an immigrant from Panama. And as a citizen whoe works very hard I want to say that all of us are immigrants. The real Americans are Indians, the rest are immigrants. we need equal opportunity for everyone. We need…
President Obama,<br<While walking the perimeter of this protest, I came across some yellow tape across my path. The officer on duty told me I couldn't cross, I had to go all the way back around. President Obama, I want to cross that tape. There…
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