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  • Tags: Peace
Dear next President,<BR>I wish for us to have peace and loving care in this world.<BR>From,<BR>Willa, age 8

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Dear Mr. President,<BR> Please end the war in Iraq and bring all our troops home immediately. Please do not feel that you can justify fighting wars anywhere in the name of this so-called war on terrorism. We all hope to live in a more peaceful…

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Stop Bush's war. Stop our country's warring. Get very public about peace.<BR>V.E. Grenier<BR>St. Mary's College

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Dear Candidates,<BR>From New Yorks melting pot. Lets build bridges not walls. The Brooklyn bridge is a great example.<BR>Tony from New York

Dear Mr. President Bush,<BR>I'd like to suggest that you consider the truth that lovei s mightier than any violence. Here's my idea; why not spend 200 billion to establish a shining star of democracy in the Middle East in Paliestine, Instead of…
Dear Mr. President,<br>I have so much to say, but so little room and you have so little time. I appreciate that you are trying to eradicate the last eight years that you inherited. However, there are so many things in our nation that need dire…
Dear President,<BR>I want to stress the importance of education and peace in our society. Without these two aspects in our lives there's no way that we can progress as a nation and regain some sense of credibility. Good luck. And always do what…
Dear president Obama,<BR>I support you and all you endevors, Im glad that you normalized relations with cuba. Thank you for keeping us at peace<BR>Sincerely,<BR<Sue
Dear Mr. President,<rb>It's time to start thinking about countries other than America. Let's set a precedent for peace by beginning with our country. Improving education both here and abroad and reducing hate crimes is a good place to start.…
Dear President,<BR>Please promote peace.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Sheila Cody<BR>Rhinebeck, NY

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