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  • Tags: Animal rights
Dear George W. Bush,<BR>All I wish to say is that if you can, protect endangered species around America and around the world.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Sofia De Salva<BR>age 9<BR>new Haven, Conn.
Dear next President,<BR>I want to work on to stop killing animals and world hunger.<BR>Sincerely,<BR>Sarah, age 8
Dear President Obama:<BR>Ithik is important to put more attention to the effects ofhat animal agriculture is having on this planet. Just because it is affecng the amount of water we have and the rain forests are being destroyed. Andalthough I…
Dear M. President,<BR>I would like to ask you to please outlaw the declawing of all animals because it's unnecessary mutilation and because we should be protecting our animals and not maiming them to tame them. Thank you very…
Dear next President,<BR>Stop people from putting animals in cages in the zoo.<BR>From,<BR>Evelyn, age 7
Dear next President,<BR>Don't attack animals and break down their environment because that's where they live. They should have the same rights to live in their homes.<BR>From,<BR>Elizabeth, age 8
Dear next President,<BR>Please please stop cutting down the rainforest that animals live in. How would you feel if you were a rainforest and you got chopped down?<BR>From,<BR>Caroline, age 7
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